Thursday 21 June 2012

21st June

How slack of me! I downloaded the photos then forgot to post...... tut tut tut
The June group went down well. I was working on Revontuli, a laceweight shawl. Revontuli means Northern Lights. I also took Jane Austen Knits for people to have a look at. Note empty cup of tea, I drank pletny.
A general discussion about all thinkgs crafty
More knitting. This time Angela's Cardi
A most beautiful baby bonnet made by Elsie. This bonnet is really something else, so pretty
Two bags sewn by Sarah. I do like this style of bag - it may give my felted bags a reason to retire!
I also took down my spiral doily to show and tell. M is also into doilies - she was doing a very fine crocheted one - another reason for me to persist with crochet!